Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Jet Sleds - a must have?

A fisherman's best friend

I can't hardly imagine a day on the ice without our faithful utility sled. Buckets, bait, auger, cooler, stove, rods, traps, there are so many things an ice fisherman wants to bring on the ice, a day without one of these beauties is a day spent trudging gear back and forth from the truck. In Maine, these utility sleds start getting scarce and next to impossible to find as fall wears into winter.
I never would have thought it, but they can be found on Amazon and shipped right to your door. (links to them attached below). Now add to my delight of finding them in camo!

If you will be taking the four wheeler or snow sled on the ice, do yourself a favor and pick up the jetsled hitch. This handy little item keeps the sled from jamming into your tires or track and just gumming up the whole works and damaging gear.
Even on the short trips to the ice shanties at the smelt fishing camps I use our sled. I have found it really convenient to load the sled the night before, lift the whole thing into the truck or SUV and just pull it out when we get to the shacks and go. No messing with gear and shuffling armloads of gear around.  For the light trips or smaller vehicles there are shorter 42" sleds that handle more easily.
This year there has actually been discussion on bringing both to the ice. One for food, auger, shelter and stove and one to run flags with that has bait, traps and rods. Inevitably when running to flags with a sled and bait bucket water sloshes out, the second sled could solve the problem.

I really love the Jet sled and it has become an essential piece of winter fishing gear for The Fishin' Hole.

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